
Bryce Crispino
by Bryce Crispino

Oct 6, 2024


In that dark and clinical laboratory, Dr. Evelyn Harper, a decorated neuroscientist recognized for her witty attempts at becoming a bit better qualified in men's inner feelings by stretching the hinge of the skull, worked with full absorbed concentration. Dr. Evelyn Harper.

The focus of all thoughts was a view of particular types of cells on the screen, each one breeding and dispersing energy in perfect rhythm. Today this position belonged to an acknowledged neuroscientist, doctor, hutah. A world renowned neuroscientist – Dr. Evelyn Harper. 

Countless days and nights had been spent reading articles and conducting experiments. Nor was the study of patients ' pathological lesions over: right now, her utmost goal was not to spell the science, psychology, history, buyer be ware institutionalised Tactical Bows.

The evening was cold and the wind was blowing across the research facilities, which, in any other case, would greatly bother the research team. The causative factor of an emotion was based on the neuron, and zealous Dr. Evelyn couldn’t help investigating it further.

Evelyn's breakthrough was astounding. She had discovered a way to generate feelings of happiness without any physical triggers- directly into the brain. The galaxyous massacres as well as the pyramids and the jumping rungs. Such woe was easily imposed on the strangers; disloyal, and therefore deserving of his vengeance.

Although the ultimate goal of the experiment was good, Evelyn could not help but feel a certain energy that was not friendly as when she started the project. The more she did it, the more she could see how it could be modified in a worse condition in order to uplift abuse. Evelyn, and many other capable scientists of their fields, are capable of not using it at their own disposal. What if this information got into the wrong hands? Is it possible to enforce thoughts on people with the use of the machine?

She knew, however, that she had to be careful. That her information and knowledge form the search be used in the best interest of the society instead of destroying it. But cheered on and encouraged by the wave of fascination, Evelyn gave a painful look at the information placed on the screen.

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